Magnet Healing

Seminars > Self-Knowledge Seminars > Magnet Healing

The use of magnets boosts vitality and balances the functions of the organism. It offers healing support to various health problems such as:

Arthritis, Cardiovascular, Hypertension, Inflammation, tumor – adenomas, contamination caused by radiation-chemotherapies, Fractures, all forms of pain and many other conditions as any disharmony associated to energy, chakras and meridians.

The course is for Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Acupuncturists, Doctors, Masseurs, alternative Healers.

It includes healing protocols for many ailments and practice on energy balancing.

It is a very interesting seminar that makes the healer’s life easier enriching his healing techniques.

Certification is provided.

It’s a 2-day seminar (10 hours).

If a practitioners wish to acquire magnetic healing tools such as handmade magnetic pendulums and magnetic disks set, they should let us know at least one week in advance.

Limited places.
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