Energymental Intelligence

Seminars > Self-Knowledge Seminars > Energymental Intelligence

Energymental Intelligence combines research with mental and emotional clearing, initiates the practitioner into the first steps of esotericism through easy, yet powerful practices, always according to the needs of the individual.
In this seminar there is a mapping of the human being through biological, psychological and metaphysical approaches!

Since Energymental Healing is a pioneer in the field of analysis and healing, promises many gifts and vast awakening knowledge for the enthusiasts of research and evolution.
We will understand how the blood type is connected with the 3 types of intelligence and also with the 7 Ray types of humans, giving deep, substantial and successful practice of awareness!

  • The Awareness practices in combination with the theory become manuals of life where we can refer to when we need to remind ourselves who we are.
  • What is my race, my history, how important the blood is, what is the importance of the Qs and how we can increase them, are questions that will be answered during the seminar.
  • Which are the 3 types of intelligence, which types do I belong to and how can I develop them?
  • What suits me, what qualities I have, what I should avoid according to personal information gathered though the seminar, overturn the until recently fixed picture of the self.
  • Why is it important to develop the Emotional Quotient, the Intelligence Quotient and the Spiritual Quotient?
  • Finally, we learn how to manifest our best self and how to affect the behaviour of others positively. In simple ways we keep this attitude permanently.

Duration of the seminar: 7 weeks.

Limited places.
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