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EnergyMental TM

Why choosing Energymental?

Energymental is a proposal of evolution and treatment with practical knowledge and techniques necessary for the seeker of our complex age. It is a way of life aimed at health in all sectors. Whether the issue of the conflict concerns the body, relationships, finances, professional, etc. EnergyMental intervenes in Mental disarrangement and offers modern and essential applications to build a better quality of life.

Energymental gives the trainee all the tools, techniques, knowledge and connection needed to become a very powerful therapist.

But is not limited to this. Energymental teaching offer mental strength and the student acquires a new philosophical background, a new worldview giving him the opportunity to see life and its phenomena from a different point of view.

Thus, complex situations become simple and unsolved problems are solved on their own, as the practitioner gains a deep understanding of cause and effect.

The constant energy upgrade of the trainee in combination with this new worldview bring him closer and closer, to perfect health, absolute happiness, pure blessing!

When those who participate in Energymental seminars & meditations try to describe their participation talk about upheavals, beautiful refreshing and transformative experiences. It is really difficult to describe in words experiences that are related to energy. However, in the question “Why Energymental?” the most important thing is to understand how Energymental applies to the western way of life, making it more enjoyable and creative.

As a healing method

It is an innovative system of purification from recordings that took place even before our birth and patterns that have been maintained throughout life, thus preventing the person from being fullfilled. Apart from purifying all these beliefs and mental recordings, the next step in healing is now the body’s organic healing. When a great burden, coming from the mental and emotional sphere of man, has been purified, then the therapeutic regimens will support the healing of a whole range of pathological conditions and diseases.

Advanced therapists (2nd level of Energymental) are able to provide specialized healing support for a wide range of conditions involving:

  • Endocrine system
  • Nervous system
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Immune
  • Cardiovascular
  • Respiratory
  • Gastroenterological
  • Skin diseases
  • Psychological –
  • Psychiatric diseases
  • Dependencies
  • Chronic diseases
  • Reproductive – Urinary system etc.


However, one does not need to suffer from a health problem in order to arrange a healing session. Everyone can benefit from energy cleansing resulting in increased levels of vital energy and maintaining high mental and emotional strength in a powerful body.

As a Self-Healing method

From the first acquaintance with the system of Energymental, self-healing begins. Everyone who participates in the seminars admits that this participation alone is a profound experience of self-healing. Self-healing works even deeper if everyone works daily with the Energymental meditation and energy techniques he is being taught.

The energy perception of the aura and the energy centers lead the practitioner to a one-way path, to take care this part of himself that until now he did not know and did not even imagine it existed.

Energy detoxification is a process that is done steadily, permanently, pushing every Energymental practitioner to climb to higher and higher levels of vitality, well-being and prosperity.

With Energymental, health has no limits!

As energy Psychology

The teaching of Energymental aims to project new data on our brain so that mental functions are completed without struggle and with less waste of time from erroneous beliefs.

The words of power used each time are a key that leads deeper and deeper into the gates of the unconscious making the present appear more clear.

The energy of each power word triggers and commands the nervous system through the sensory organs to realize the desired therapeutic effect, removing and dissolving mental and energy blockages.

What is related to the Soul is filtered by the Active Mind that literally now resides in the brain cells, giving freedom from any form of psychological imbalance. What we define as Energy Psychology is the contact with the soul and not the theory of the Soul. In other words, we are not talking about the invisible immortal part in order to reach the perfect definition, we are experiencing the soul in our practices and this is the essence of the concept SOUL.

In the improvement of everyday life

When a person enters the path of psychosomatic and energy balance, he automatically sees his life to change. Apart from having more energy, more clarity and better mood, necessary supplies for creativity and evolution, he receives the tools with which he literally builds his reality.

As health does not only concern the body and energy, but also areas of our lives, we could not ignore the improvement of relationships with our fellow human beings, the improvement of our financial situation, the fulfillment of our goals and the improvement of simple processes. concerning our daily lives, such as nutrition. This is achieved through the tools you get, from attending seminars such as Energymental Prosperity and Energymental Nutrition.

As a Path of Evolution

Although Energymental promises much more than individual benefits, the person concerned can absorb all the knowledge that is initially given to him for his personal growth and understanding of the world. Usually the techniques and all this knowledge he receives are forces that will push the seeker into collective action.

Initially, we can all start with the idea of  personal evolution but at the end when the inner wisdom is awakened, then the inner power of knowledge leads all of us to the improvement of the world around us.

It is important to emphasize that with Energymental the evolution is not just a word that promises without time immediacy. The opposite! It is a very fast system because during the training the Energy physiology of the power centers increases with structures of new energy centers, necessary for a successful route. To have a better understanding you should refer to the Energymental Diagnostics seminar which analyzes the structure of energy centers, as well as the changes we observe geographically and racially in the human energy field.

As a Science

All skepticists may wonder how we use the word science, since Energymental is based on energy and energy is something we cannot see. However, science is not just about things we can see. We can not see the electricity, however we take advantage of its benefits. Although it is invisible we can see the result of its action (eg the light bulb). Likewise, healing energy may be invisible to the common people, but everyone can experience its benefits.

Energymental is an advanced system of energy healing and this kind of healing is increasingly being introduced in hospitals and private clinics around the world. However, Energymental gives access to energy physiology and psychology, thus it is an essential tool for a perfect health system.

A number of treated cases and personal experiences of people are the proof of the authenticity of Energymental. Neverthelss, as nothing happens by chance, behind successful experiential healing applications there are rules, there is a logic, a technology, a science whose benefits everyone can receive.

Superior to all sciences, is the experience.

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