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Energy Pyramid

The pyramid we offer you is personal work based on your own data and each image of it is an approach and not the exact image you will receive.
It is about an ancient method back the years of Atlantis. According to scriptures, the Atlantis used this type of pyramids to heal entire cities.
The pyramids are a glass frame that contains various minerals, crystals, etc.
The healing range of each pyramid is specific and depends on its size.

There are 2 sizes available (approximately 8 cm and 18 cm) and depending on the case , we recommend the size with its adjusted cost.
We recommend placing the large pyramid in large houses, or when there are many problems, while the small one in smaller houses, workplaces etc, that do not exceed 80 sqm.
Complete instructions for protection, use, maintenance and cleansing of the pyramid are given upon receiving.

For further information
you may call us
at 211 4019724 or 6934 531919

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